- Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events organizes different types of events, auditions, photo-shoots, acting, etc. at its premise in New Delhi and/or places selected by the management itself.
- To promote their services, Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events runs different kinds of offline online promotions where interested persons have to submit their Name, Contact Number, Email Id etc.
- The personal details acquired by any medium of communications will be used by Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events and its members to contact and communicate with the candidates.
- The candidates may promoted for different types of events organized by other organizations also, so Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events can share the candidates’ details with such organizations when needed.
- Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events has authority to use pictures and videos of the candidates for commercial purpose.
- Participants can’t alter/ remove/ hide / crop the Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events Brand Logo from their shoot pictures & videos. If any of the participants do so they will be disqualified from the contest or event immediately. .
- Candidates & Participants can use the pictures & videos for personal purpose but cannot use them for commercial purpose without explicit permission of Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events.
- If any candidate selected or unselected misbehaves or tries to threaten the Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events’ employees either in person or on call/ message/ whatsapp, they will be disqualified immediately. Also Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events reserves the rights to take proper action against such candidate.
- Registration/Ticket fee is non-refundable & non-amendable. Candidates/Participants/Guardians will be required to submit documents such as identity card, age proof, PAN no, contact details and Aadhaar no. if required.
- Raghunandan Media & Entertainment Company Events is not responsible for anything happen outside their control.
How to register yourself on Raghunandan Media & Entertainemnt ?
It is very easy. Just fill in our “REGISTRATION FORM” as accurately as possible and then click the SUBMIT button at the end and your registration is completed.
How to register yourself on Raghunandan Media & Entertainemnt ?
Is it necessary to fill the entire registration form?
You need to fill all the details so that it is easy to understand and communicate with you. -
How much do I have to pay to register at Raghunandan media & Entertainment ?
The registration is Fess is 1000+18%GST (1180), and thats is our regsitration fees amount. -
What is the mode of payment for any specific event?
For payment related details you have to contact the Raghunandan media & entertainemt.